We have 5 brands in production:
- Tres Hermanos
- Gurabo
- Doctor’s Cigar
- President
- L
We have 5 brands in production:
- Tres Hermanos
- Gurabo
- Doctor’s Cigar
- President
- L
About us
We are dedicated to producing high quality cigars – Premium – with selected classified, treated and processed raw material from the best tobacco specialists.
The cigars are manufactured by expert tobacconists with long experience to guarantee a perfect finish.
Cigar brands
Years of experience
Cigars produced per year
To responsibly produce high quality cigars supported by the experience of our valuable personnel and suppliers committed to our requirements, so that the expectations of our customers and final consumers than professionally as possible.
To be a factory with recognition in all premium cigar smokers markets in the world.
- Being Honest
- Being Excellent
- Being Disciplined
- Being Innovative
- Being Respectful of the Environment
- Being Passionate about what we do